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Narcan Nasal Spray Being Approved as an Over-the-Counter Treatment

Narcan is a life-saving nasal spray that can prevent an accidental opioid overdose. As the opioid epidemic maintains its hold on the U.S., public health agencies have advocated for the increased availability of Narcan to individuals and families.  Last March, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Narcan as an over the counter (OTC) treatment, making it easier for the general public to treat opioid overdoses. The FDA approval represents a milestone in the country’s efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. This article reviews the use of Narcan, details of the FDA’s decision, and...

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High Blood Pressure Awareness Month: How to Manage Stress

When you have stress on the mind, you feel it in your body. For many people, psychological stress can manifest physically as high blood pressure. Other symptoms of stress include increased muscle tension, aches and pains, racing heartbeat, increased sweating, gastrointestinal distress, and sleep disruption. Unfortunately, recent data from the American Psychological Association (APA) reveals that more than a quarter of Americans report feeling so stressed daily that they can’t function, while more than a third of adults report feeling completely overwhelmed by stress on most days.  Whether you’re...

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Breaking Down the Findings from Two New Alcohol Studies

The month of May brings warmer temperatures, more daylight, and a renewed sense of enthusiasm and social energy. With more time spent outdoors, this month is also host to numerous holidays that revolve around drinking alcohol. For example, May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, has been adopted by many Americans and companies that distribute alcohol as a day to drink margaritas and other tequila-infused concoctions. On May 20th, hard liquor lovers worldwide celebrate World Whisky Day, and May 25th is lauded as National Wine Day. At the end of the month, many kick off the start of summer vacation with a beer-infused...

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May is Better Sleep Month

How rested do you feel when you get out of bed in the morning? If your answer is “marginally” or “not at all,” then it’s time to hit the reset button on your bedtime routine. May is known as Better Sleep Month, an important recognition introduced by the Better Sleep Council to help people focus on improving their sleeping habits.  Sleeping well at night is integral to your ability to function well during the day. To encourage better “self health” this month, make sure to check out the sleep statistics below. Learn more tips on the importance of sleep, how to know if you’re getting enough sleep,...

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Preview of NCHCMM | Registration Open!

Attending conferences is essential for public health communicators and professionals to hone their skills and stay updated in the industry. The networking opportunities also make health communication conferences worth the time and money you invest in them.  If you can only attend one conference this year, mark your calendar for July 19-21, 2023, for the 16th National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media (NCHCCM) in Atlanta. This year’s theme is “Collaborate, Innovate, Inspire: The Evolution of Public Health Communication in a Changing World.”  For more than 15 years, NPHIC...

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